Sunday, June 3, 2012

Eat Like A Caveman

Well, if I didn't think I was old before, I do now. There are no twin parts in my foot. That's a relief - no surgery. But believe me, I have sure heard some stories about stuff in feet. It seems that most everyone knows someone with something weird in their foot. Anyway, guess what I DO have in my foot? Arthritis. Yep, arthritis. I feel like I need a rocking chair and a nice crocheted shawl (that actually does sound kind of nice). Hearing about arthritis makes me think of cute little grannies that have a hard time opening a jar of pickles. Or really sad - of my grandpa who's legs and feet hurt him so much that he couldn't sit or stand for very long - making any position painful.

I guess I'm not quite ready for the retirement home yet - although there are some days I think it would be a welcome escape! But, once again, it all comes down to my weight. If I lost weight, there wouldn't be so much pressure on my foot. I told the orthopedist that I was working on it and she wanted details. I explained the rules I have set for myself and she said that I was making some good choices, but she had a few tips and suggestions for reading material for me. When I said that I was trying to eat only whole grains and not much with white flour, she told me that the human body has no need for grains and that I should eat like a caveman (ug!) - vegetables and lean meats. I didn't argue with her, I'm no expert. But I've been taught that grains are "to be the staff of life" so I was a bit confused. I do know that I definitely need to eat less carbohydrates. But no grains? I don't know about that.

This doctor said that she's been eating like a caveman for over a year and that she has really "leaned out" (she did appear to be very fit) and stays really satisfied. She said that when you feel like you're hungry, you should ask yourself, "Do I want to eat a steak?" If the answer is yes, it's time to eat. If the answer is no, you're thirsty or bored so get a drink of water and find something to do.

Here is her suggested reading list. I have requested books from the library and I'm looking forward to doing some research.

  • Book - "Why We Get Fat And What To Do About It" by Gary Taubes
  • Book - "The Primal Blueprint" by Mark Sisson and his website, Mark's Daily Apple
  • Book - "The Paleo Solution" by Robb Wolf and his website,

I've always thought that if I could just get to the point where I practice moderation in all things edible, I could meet the goals that I have set for myself. But here I am, five months later, down only 12 pounds and still really struggling. I had hoped to lose 50 pounds by July 1st. Oh well. One step at a time, eh? Gotta just keep pluggin' along.

Good night.


  1. I'm with you girl! Moderation in all things...including treats! I am a little bummed about the "no twin in your foot" thing though- a little toothpick or something would have been nice, right?

    1. Ha! I have to admit that I was a little disappointed that I wouldn't have some exciting story to tell, but I'm SO glad I don't have to have surgery! Thanks, Angie!

  2. Amy, thanks for sharing! You are awesome and I know you will meet your goals!! You CAN do it!!

    Love, Britt

    1. Thank you, Britt! And thank you for reading. The support from my friends and family means SO much.

  3. I LOVE to read your posts. You are an amazing writer. Please don't keep the boys to quiet this summer - they are my laugh for the day. I realize that I miss the days of backyard fun and games.

    1. Thanks, Ann! You're so nice to me! And don't worry - I don't think I could keep them quiet if I tried. I'm glad someone finds it amusing. LOL

  4. Hey, 12lbs is still 12lbs gone! good for you! Something that has helped me personally is trying one all raw/most raw meal a day. Since it's spring/summer it's cheap and easy. Usually my lunch or my dinner is a giant plate of fresh veggies; peppers, cucumber, carrots, celery, mushrooms, tomatoes, etc. It's helped me loose weight and have more energy. I would talk to your doctor first, of course, but I have really enjoyed it!

    1. Thanks for the tip, Hayley! I usually eat a huge salad at lunch. Luckily, I love my veggies! Unluckily, I like most everything else, too. LOL

  5. Amy, just think, cavemen didn't eat cheese. CHEESE! I can't imagine a life without cheese. It may be beneficial to meet with a nutritionist/dietician to get a plan for you. They are kind of experts at that type of thing.

    1. Uh....yeah. Not eating cheese would not work. It's a protein, right? You betcha! That's a good idea. I've got a friend who is a nutritionist. I'll have to give her a call. But sticking to the plan is my problem. I need to hire a food "nazi" to stand over me and yell, "No seconds for you!"
