Monday, August 6, 2012

Grumpy Gus

I am a wuss. I am sweaty. I am grumpy. I am a sweaty, grumpy wuss. I have been a grumpy gus to my boys (even the biggest boy) today. In fact, I've been pretty grumpy to everyone in my path. If my boys had acted like I have today, I would have had to squeeze the grumpy juice right out of them. That consists of squeezing their bodies, from the head to feet, ending with a big hug - hopefully, getting them laughing in the mean time. But let me tell you, if anyone had tried that with me today, there would not have been much left of them to tell the story - as long as they were sitting right next to me in front of the fan. And as long as they didn't move much.

It's hot. Where I live, in Oregon, it doesn't usually get or stay hot for long. And it's supposed to be back in the mid to high "Amy zone" by the end of the week. But, I don't do hot very well. My head gets fuzzy. I get snippy. My face gets red and (don't forget) sweaty and sticky and that's a bad combination for my new hair cut - my new bangs sticking to my forehead is (insert sarcastic voice here) oh, so attractive. I'm really looking forward to laying on my bed right under the ceiling fan. I'm hoping Lobster will get out our window air conditioner. If anything, just the effort of locating (because the garage is SO organized!) it and getting it to the window of our bedroom will make those temperatures go right back down. That's just the way things work around here. 

On the bright side, my weight is headed back in the right direction.  I did have a rough time the week before last at the gym and, already feeling huge and out-of-control,  I struggled with the bounce-back. I have already told you so many embarrassing things, I'm not going to go into this one. I will just say that the weight room was busier than usual and I had an audience. It took me a few days - well about a week, but I went back to that weight room. I'm starting to get my groove back and feeling more in control every day. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or the looks they may give me. I just have to keep going back. 

I'm starting a meal plan this week. Lobster is doing it with me. The thing I'm most dreading is giving up my Diet Coke. There's nothing like that first sip of the day - the bubbles sliding down my throat....Uh...Just a minute, I'll be right back. I just realized it's almost midnight and I need to "get rid of" the last of the bottle. Wouldn't want to be tempted tomorrow. OK. That's better. 

I'm still working on getting some professional nutrition help. But while that's coming together, I'm giving this meal plan a try. Wish me luck. I just got two new cooking magazines in the mail. I think they'll go in a drawer for now. See you next week.



  1. You have to get rid of the diet coke! My cousin told me all about the evils of aspartame at a family reunion. It keeps people fat while poisoning them! My grandma died when I was about 8, and she had a nutritionist helping her toward the end. My cousin said that my grandma tried to convince everyone not to eat/drink aspartame. I'm trying to come to terms with that in relation to gum chewing :(

    1. Darn it! I guess that means no Crystal Lite, either - and I didn't think about gum:( At least it will save us money!

    2. Forgot to tell you a couple of things - Crystal Lite Pure is healthier for you. Also another brand is Pure Lemon. Both of those are better non-aspartame alternatives. Of course, now I'm just used to drinking plain old water. A gallon at a time! ;)

    3. Thanks, Brooke! I know Kim will not just drink water - especially taking away the Coke. I'll look for those other options. I'm not at a gallon a day yet, but I'm working on it.

    4. I've heard that stevia plant extract is a more natural sweetener. We just bought some Smuckers instant strawberry lemonade mix from Costco, and stevia is listed as one of the sweeteners. It isn't sugar free, but it has less sugar. Also, you might check out those Sobe Life Waters. They usually have 0 calories, and they are sweetened with stevia. I don't know how they measure up on sodium, but those might be an option as an alternative to just plain water.

    5. Thanks, looks like I have some homework to do!

  2. Lobster here. So my wonderful wife made it thru the day yesterday albeit very very grumpy :)

    This morning she was up and cooking the first of our meal plan and it was good!

    Thank you honey and look forward to our journey.

    Love you!

    1. Loved that spinach, did you? There's more where that came from. ;) Love you.

  3. Don't let the looks at the gym get you down. The snotty people look own their nose at people who are 20 pounds overweight. The real health people are proud that you are taking steps to take your health back.

    1. Thank you. I like the way you put that - taking my health back.
