Sunday, August 12, 2012

No Rain Dance Today

When we check in at our local YMCA (by scanning our ID), we are invited inside by a sultry female voice saying, "Welcome." I was very relieved to hear that voice on Thursday. I was a little worried I'd hear a mean, hard male voice say, "We have a message for you, please see the front desk." So, apparently,  it was Crazy Hat week at the Y. Earlier in the week, one of the aquatics directors came into the pool area with one of those mini-umbrellas that sit on you head like a hat. Similar to this, except kind of a clearish pink vinyl.

I totally laughed out loud and then quickly apologized (although he's helped me by holding the ladder a few times, I really don't know him well) and told him I liked his hat. He said that he was hoping for rain. So I asked him if he was going to do a dance later -I know, I know, it sounds bad - but I really did mean a rain dance. Well, he looked at me a bit funny and then, pointing to my lifeguard friend (Yay! he's back!) said, "No, he does the dances." And then walked out of the pool area.

Our group was in the middle of our deep water exercise. I was doing laps of "cross-country skier" and replaying our conversation in my head. Although I hadn't meant it that way, it would  be easy to take the dance comment wrong. Now, I have not really put myself out there at the Y. I make polite conversation and get the job done. The last thing I want is a lot of attention while I'm in my swim suit - you know what I mean? Anyone that knows me well, knows that I like to joke. I'm pretty sarcastic and my humor can sometimes land on the side of off-color. In fact, one thing that is KILLING me lately is that my boys are using a word that normally makes me giggle. Boys 1 and 2 think that "nipple" is a funny word. And it is. I'm not sure why, but hearing someone say nipple makes me LOL. But, when they say it, I CAN NOT laugh. If I show any emotion about it at all, they will be using it every other word in their sentences. And, now, especially with school starting, I can't have that, can I? I have enough to worry about. Like being banned from the YMCA for sexual harassment.

Now, I knew that I wouldn't really be banned, but there was that little sigh of relief as I heard that sultry welcome on Thursday. And I kept all my comments to myself.

So, I've been following this meal plan for a just about a week now. Following the food part has not been hard. It is a lot of food and it is good - and I feel good eating it. The only thing is, that it is the same thing every day. If it were just me, there would be no problem. But I have a family. And it seems that my family does not want to eat the same thing every night for dinner. Part of me wants to yell at them to "Suck it up! Mom's trying to change things, here!" But, the other part of me understands. I started this whole thing not wanting to cook differently for my family. I don't want to cook two meals. But I can't argue with the fact that the meal plan works. I lost 3 pounds this week. I was never hungry. And I have to admit that knowing what was for breakfast, lunch, and dinner was comforting. And on those hot days it was nice to just warm up my already prepared food. I just have to figure out how to make it work for my family too. Bah! Details, details. But, what's that saying? The devil is in the details.

The part that WAS hard was the giving up Diet Coke. I didn't have headaches, I didn't get the jitters. But I missed it. The feeling of the bubbles going down my throat. The taste of the cola (and yes, even the aftertaste) with certain foods - especially garlic. I went to McDonald's for a $1 drink twice this week.  But that's an improvement from at least that 32 ouncer each day. I even was able to withstand the temptation of the 2-liter bottle in my fridge when Lobster brought it home late in the week - well not including a couple of swigs. So, I'm playing with some flavored waters this week. My first try is going to be lime, cucumber and mint. I'll let you know how it goes.

Have a great week. It's going to be a little hot here. I'm hoping to keep my cool.


  1. So proud of you! I'm glad it's helping. I have a solution for your meals - invest in cooking classes for Lobster and the boys! ;)

    1. I really appreciate your help and support, Brooke! It was a good week. I love your idea of cooking classes - let them see what goes into planning and making the meals! Do your boys do all right with the same dinner each night? Love you!

    2. My boys don't really eat the same things we do...but components of it. Like we'll give them some chicken and strawberries, then we supplement with other stuff. My boys are still young and don't always eat "regular" food yet. It is tough to balance the nutrition program with a family. You're doing great! 3 lbs. in one week is awesome!

  2. Great job! You've made SO much progress! I got a newsletter e-mail from a triathlon blog I signed up for, and it had a picture that said "Still mad you "only" lost 1 pound??" The picture has a hand with a blob of fat on it that looks so gross. If you search Pinterest for "only lost 1 pound" it comes up. Just think-- you've gotten rid of 4 of those! You are doing so great! I know what you mean about those bubbles going down your throat. I love it, too. I was never much of a soda drinker until my last pregnancy when my main craving was Coke! But I'm still pretty good. It takes me about 2 months to go through a 12 pack.
    Maybe you should get a soda stream. They have a lot less sugar and sodium-- not sure about artificial sweeteners. You could even just make water bubbly, though.
    You are so brave. I really admire what you're doing. Good job, Amy!

    1. Thanks, Jocelyn! I'll have to look for that - those visuals are so helpful. Yes, I'm looking for a replacement for the soda. I know water is best. Somehow, I've just got to convince my noggin! ;) It's good to know that I'm not alone in it.

  3. My sister likes the oceanspray white cran-peach. But, she only gives it to herself as a treat if she has already had 2 bottles of water.

    1. Thanks, Kim! I'll have to give that a try. I used to do that with the Diet Coke - only have some if I had had the same amount of water to drink. Rewards are great things!
