And, I guess, to be fair, I did great on Thanksgiving.
I thought that as long as I ate according to plan the rest of the week, I wasn't going to limit myself and I really couldn't do too much damage in one day. I had a small taste of everything, including dessert.
My favorite dishes were the cornbread stuffing with gravy on top (by the way, slathering your turkey with butter and chopped herbs makes for a tasty gravy!), and the sour cream apple pie.
But then, Friday morning, we had pie for breakfast.
My boys were equally surprised. Pie for breakfast, Mom? Do people really do that? Really? Yes, really.
But, from there, it was a slippery slope to pie town and over-eatsville.
So, although I'm not thankful for my 3 and 1/2 pound gain this week, there are a lot of things for which I AM thankful. I was blog browsing and came across one that I like called, Back To Her Roots. Cassie had listed 100 things she was thankful for.
I wondered if I could come up with 100 things to put on my list. It took me a couple of days, but I did! And you lucky people
- My Lobster - love you honey!
- Boy 1
- Boy 2
- Adoption
- Our dog, Sophie
- Warm home
- My parents
- My siblings
- My extended family and in-laws
- Good friends
- Gospel of Jesus Christ
- Those fighting for my freedom
- School teachers that care about my kids
- Beautiful Oregon
- Enough and good food to eat
- Lobster's employment
- Prayer
- Clean water
- Adequate income that allows me to stay at home
- Books
- Trees and plants
- Electricity
- Flushing toilets
- Trashy TV
- Good movies
- Our large back yard
- The Internet
- Computers
- Freedom of choice
- Diet Coke
- Thanksgiving leftovers
- The temple
- Music
- My bed
- Sunshine
- Naps
- Automatic dishwashers
- Automatic clothes-washing machine
- Wood burning fireplace
- Cozy quilts
- Non-stick cookware
- Make-up
- Cars
- Hot water
- Garlic
- Toothbrushes and toothpaste
- Chapstick
- Quiet time
- Vegetables
- Magic Erasers
- Good neighbors
- Fruit
- Clean air
- Scriptures
- Hugs
- Kissing
- Rain
- Bedtime
- Window screens
- Body powder
- Pain medication
- Health insurance
- The library
- Rocks
- Scentsy - Coconut Lemongrass
- Bamboo wooden spoons
- Covered patio
- Thick, rich lotion
- Holding hands
- Toilet paper
- Garage
- Salsa
- You - the few that read my ramblings
- Sharp pencils
- My church family
- Good smelling soap
- The beach
- Snow in the mountains - away from where I am
- Christmas decorations
- Back scratchers - especially the human variety
- Doctors
- Slippers
- Heavy glassware
- Cheese
- Organized cabinets
- Glad Press'N Seal
- Ice cubes
- Hair dissolving drain cleaner
- Vinegar
- Toothpicks
- Paint
- Schwans home delivery
- Night-time cold medicine
- Weed killer
- Laughter
- Drive-thru pharmacies
- Laundry stain remover
- Handyman services
What are you thankful for?