Well, I'm not a reliable food tracker while on vacation. Get me out of my routine, and my REsolve seems to DISsolve. Monday, we were in the car all day, and while the day started well enough, I soon realized that Lobster "forgot" to pack the cucumbers, cherries, grapes, and mango in the cooler. He remembered the fixins for sandwiches and the Diet Coke. The bag of crackers, candy, chips, and such also made it. I had bought a lot so we wouldn't feel like we would have to buy much on the way and to also have bribery material for good behavior. I thought I had prepared well. Next time, I just need to follow through and make sure it all gets into the cooler.
I gained 2 pounds this week. I'm not too worried. Although I didn't faithfully track my intake, my eating wasn't out of control. I also spent two days in a car trying to not drink too much. I didn't want to be the reason to stop the car, if you know what I mean. I didn't get enough at my mom's, either. I'll just be making sure to drink my water, and then have some more.
My mint is going crazy outside. I think I'll have to make some flavored water every evening for the next day. My favorite is cucumber, mint with some lime squeezed in right before drinking. I found that when I let the limes sit in the water over night, they made it slightly bitter. I found a recipe for a flavored water made with fresh ginger and mango. I think I'd really like to try that one. And I just happen to have some mango on hand.
My chives are also going gangbusters. Somehow, though, I don't think that will make a good flavored water. ;)
All of my plants survived warm weather while I was gone, thanks to a good friend. She also kept the hamster alive and running - good for the 6-year-old, I guess. We almost had a free-range hamster. She escaped her little exercise ball whilst her young, attentive owner was not so attentive. Luckily, she only got as far as under the couch.
The last time the hamster made a break for it, we had our Sophie girl to sniff her down. Sophie loved to sit and watch Squeakers. I knew she was just waiting patiently for a chance to make a Squeakers snack. It cracked me up.
Our Sophie was a good girl. She gave us good companionship for a long time, 12 years. At 13, she couldn't hear or see much and her hips gave her quite a bit of pain. That made her grumpy with the boys and she had started to snap and be aggressive. We chose to euthanize her. Although we know it was the right decision. I miss my girl. She was my baby before we so rudely replaced her with the human variety. She was patient and always happy to see me.
This is my favorite picture of Sophie. She was not happy about those Easter bunny ears, but she tolerated them and even smiled for the camera. The Humane Society called Sophie a terrier mix, but we always called her a Bitza. She was a bitza this and a bitza that. Sophie was the healthiest, smartest, and weirdest dog we have ever previously owned. She fit in our family perfectly. Without her, I'm outnumbered by the boys. Somehow, I don't think the hamster will commiserate as well.
Rest in peace, my girl.
EXERCISE: I guess sitting on my mom's soft, cozy rocker doesn't count.
FOOD: Lots of veggies. Slightly more treats than usual.
FOOD TRACKING: Not great - 1 & 1/2 days of 7
HYDRATION: Not great
Aw...I'm sorry about your first little one! Thanks so much for helping with the girls...you are so great!